Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Last day of Movember

Well today is the last day of Movember.


This mustache is annoying. It's itchy, food gets caught in it, and they are really not septum ring friendly.

When I decided to start this little blog it was mostly as a fun little way to help promote Movember and to make it more interesting for people who might want to kick in a few bucks to help sponsor me. My goal for fundraising was to get someone other than my mother to sponsor me. I'm proud to say that online and in real life I have collected just over $200 (which reminds me I'm going to have to send in the real money tomorrow morning)!

Thank you to all the girls that donated money. And to my dad. Who is not a girl, but chipped in too. There is something to be said about how all of my money raised (except for what my dad kicked in) came from women, Movember being about men's cancer issues and what not. Maybe next year I will try to get men to chip in at least 25% of what the women do.

Yes I am wearing a Doctor Who scarf. You are jealous.

Today is your last day to chip in. Click HERE to donate. Remember every penny counts!

Tomorrow... my naked face!

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